

Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.


 Labour Day Long weekend Monday @

Mosport DDT (Driver Development Track) track lapping event 


Beginners friendly and welcomed!


Hello all friends and drivers,


We have the track September 4th Labour Day Long weekend Monday @ Mosport DDT 09:30am - 5:00pm booked, prepay cost is $299 discount prepay before August 25th for each participant.

We will have a short briefing prior to getting out on the track, followed by a 2 or more warm up laps, then lapping for the rest of the day. "Lapping" refers to just that, doing laps. Passing is STRICTLY prohibited except on the straights, and only when the person in front of you has allowed you by signaling you to pass. We reserve all rights to kick people off the track that are driving dangerously and/or aren't listening to track marshalls.













We will be running two groups, Advance and Intermediate/Novice, about 20mins per session.  All passing must be done under proper hand / left / right turn signals/indicators given by the slower driver, passing zones is anywhere in the Advance group, and no corner passings (at the apex) in the novice/intermediate group, only passing on the straights.  No signal No passing.

For those that have never been to the track, I encourage you to try it out, even if you're still on stock tires. 

Live track map (Click Here):!.

All those interested in attending this track day on September 4th Labour Day Long weekend Monday @ Mosport DDT 9:30am - 5:00pm

Email to ([email protected]) and Sign up

Include first name and last initial, car type, & contact info

- Your full name 
- Novice or Experienced:
- Contact: your Phone #, both (cell# and home#)
- Emergency Contact person and phone#: 
- Email: your email address 
- I drive: your car model, car year, car color
- License plate#:
- Track experience: Advanced, Intermediate, Novice or Beginners (First time): Need an instructor for the day:
- I want to drive my car at the track on September 4th Labour Day  Long weekend Monday @ Mosport DDT 9:30am - 5:00pm

Helmets is strongly recommended for safety reasons, you will have to sign a disclaimer at the track, for those who do not wear helmet and not following our lapping rules, the participants take full responsibility for their action. (if you have helmets, it won't hurt to bring them up). 


Mosport  DDT Track - September 4th Labour Day long weekend Monday 9:30am - 5:00pm

Prepay: $299 before August 25th Friday 11:59pm
After August 25th Friday 11:59pm or At the track: $359

Prepay cutoff deadline August 25th Friday 11:59pm

2nd or 3rd driver $180 Prepay or $220 at the track each (sharing the same vehicle with the principal driver)


*All those interested please sign up or email me asap. I want to build a list as soon as I can.*This is a full "7 hrs" lapping day, one half an hour break/lunch around 1pm to 1:30pm.

*Also we may be doing both clockwise and counter-clockwise, or either one, track configurations will be handed out at the drivers meeting. 

*Drivers meeting will be at 9:15am (depends on the drivers arrival to the track if more drivers arrive late, there will be 2nd drivers meeting if need at 12:30pm), one page of lapping rules and map layout of the track will be provided.

All those interested please sign up or email me asap. I want to build a list as soon as I can.

Please contact Kevin@ 416-5649999 if you would like to pay the track fee in person in GTA. Whoever wants to pay the track fee by , Email Transfer, the email address is "[email protected]".  


 we will be going on our own and arrive at Mosport DDT around 10:00am

Regardless of whether or not you are coming up with the group or meeting us at the track, I will go over the track rules with everyone in the Drivers meeting around 9:45 pm. Those that miss it, we will go over the track rules with you. We're very serious about this, as we want to be very clear that everyone knows what's expected of them, for everyone's safety.

We will MEET in front of the Gate #1 for signing waivers.

We will be allowed on the track at 10:00am and will have lapping until the park closes at 5:00pm at which point we will return to Toronto.

Location on Google link below:,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=4&gs_id=h&xhr=t&q=mosport&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&biw=1360&bih=683&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl























* Here are directions to Mosport International Raceway *

From Toronto (Hwy 401 East)
Take Exit 431: "Durham 57" 
Small green signs to "Mosport Raceway" will lead to Hwy 20 
Right on Concession Road 10 
First entrance to the right: "Entrance #1" 

The directions are 401 east to exit 431 Waverly Rd(Durham rd 57) go north approx 20 km to Durham Rd 20 Turn right, go for approx 5 km to concession rd #10 turn right and you will go in the first gate (or Entrance #1).

From Toronto (Hwy 407 ETR East)
Becomes Provincial Route 7 for 12.5 km 
Becomes Winchester Rd East for 8.8 km 
Left onto Grandview St North for 1.8 km 
Right onto Columbus Rd East for 8.5 km 
Left onto Regional Road 57 for 1.9 km 
Right onto Regional Road 20 for 6.4 km 
Right on Concession Road 10 
First entrance to the right: "Entrance #1" 

From Montreal
Take Highway 20 West 
Becomes Highway 401 West in Ontario 
Take Exit 436: "Hwy 35/115 to Lindsay" 
Take Exit: "Hwy 35 to Lindsay" 
Left onto Regional Road 20 
Left onto Concession Road 10 
First entrance to the right: "Entrance #1" 

About Toronto

We're located just outside one of the most dynamic cities in the world located just north of the US border: Toronto. If you plan on spending some time visiting the city, we encourage you to check out the Toronto Convention & Visitors Association website.

If you're from the US, you won't know you've left the states! We have the same restaurants, motels and other amenities that you are used to. Track with us and enjoy this clean, safe, and vibrant young city as a bonus!

See you soon!

Past events photos